Manfeild appoints two new trustees
Leading Manawatu’s events venue Manfeild Park Trust has announced that Amanda Linsley and Kevin Hansen will join its board for a 3-year term from 1st September 2022.
Hamish Waugh, Manfeild Park Trust’s board chair, is delighted with the high calibre of the two new Trustees as our facility positions itself for the future. “Kevin and Amanda bring a diverse skill set and vast governance experience. They join a depth in complementary talent within our governance and management team to take Manfeild to the next level.”
Amanda is a current board member of the New Zealand Rugby Museum and has run her own businesses in New Zealand and the UK. She is well networked nationally and internationally and is keen to attract more people from across the country and overseas to Manfeild. “Having a multi-faceted events centre in the heart of the ManawatÅ« is a huge benefit to our local communities and the wider region,” Ms Linsley says.
Kevin, now residing in Waikato, has long-term connections with Manfeild, assisting with the original set up many years ago. He is a former New Zealand representative in show jumping, former Chairman of Equestrian Sports New Zealand and owner of the event management company that directed the Horse of the Year event held annually in Hastings. Kevin’s governance and events experience extends way beyond equestrian, and he is keen to use his transferable skills to assist the management team to extend the opportunity to attract new events across all sectors. Mr Hansen says, “to be part of this Board which has the important role of strategically formatting the future of the Park is very exciting.”
After seven years on the Board, John Baxter has advised that he will step down on 31st August 2022. At the last Board meeting, Hamish Waugh acknowledged John’s outstanding contribution to the Manfeild board and in particular the governance support he provided to management during the significant capital build of the new National Driver Training Centre located adjacent to the back track of the facility. A formal farewell for Mr Baxter will take place at Manfeild Park Trust’s Annual General Meeting on 26th October 2022.
For more information contact:
Kathy Gibson, Chief Executive, Manfeild Park Trust
027 659-9666, ceo@manfeild.co.nz